oh, magnify the Lord with me

let us exalt his name together!

Psalm 34:3

Our service is not designed for the entertainment of man. Our hearts’ desire is that in every part of our service of worship, that God the Father will be honored through the exaltation of Christ the Son.  Our prayer is that each person attending our service will hear the Gospel proclaimed through song, prayer, scripture reading, and especially in the preaching of the Word.  We desire to be met by the Holy Spirit as He applies the Gospel to the areas of our greatest need and as He does so, that we will grow in Christ’s likeness as individuals and as a church family.
As a church family we strive to be a loving community.  We have been brought together through the blood of Jesus; therefore, we are united, not because we are all the same, but we are united by Christ. In that unity, we seek to honor and bless the diversity that has and is bringing our church to learn from each other.  We can only do that as the Holy Spirit helps us to love as we have been loved by Christ and to forgive each other as we have been forgiven.  We are in no way perfect like any family, but our hope is that God continues to make us one in the bond of Christ.
We recognize that all of our journeys to the Lord begin at very different places and so we want Westminster to be a place of safety and rest for you.  Many times our stories include pain and shame.  God does not expect us to clean up our act before coming to Him.  In fact, God meets us in our mess and there transforms us with His grace and love.  We want to be a church that God uses in fulfilling His purposes in each of our lives.

service time

Sunday Morning

Service: 9:00 AM
Fellowship Time: 10:30 AM
Sunday School: 10:45 AM 
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Pastor Adrian is currently doing a sermon series on 2nd Peter. Click on the media file to hear last week's message or use the Sermons tab at the top of the page to access sermons from earlier weeks.