We exist to come alongside parents and caregivers in their God-given role as disciple-makers to their children as we strive to teach the biblical tenants of our faith and live by example lives that delight in, display, and declare the glory of Jesus Christ and His Gospel.
For class curriculum and resources please check out our parent resource page.
For information contact Amy Haas at Amyburlesonhaas@msn.com
For class curriculum and resources please check out our parent resource page.
For information contact Amy Haas at Amyburlesonhaas@msn.com

our activities
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me." We take this seriously by offering parents various ways to have their children learn about Jesus and the Gospel, all while having lots of fun doing it!
Jesus and Me (J.A.M.) is a mid-week ministry for children ages 3 through 6th grade on Wednesdays from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Each week there is a time of singing, games, and a lesson.
Sunday School
Sunday school meets from 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM. We offer Sunday school for children of all ages from 3 years old up to 5th grade.
We offer nursery during both morning worship and Sunday school for children up to the age of 3 years old. During nursery children are well taken care of and encouraged with Bible stories and singing.
teach me to worship
Teach Me to Worship is our children's church program. Children from age 3 to 5th grade can go for a portion of the worship service to have their own time where they sing, memorize Scripture, and hear a lesson.
other events
We host different special events for the kids throughout the year. We often have these events around Christmas, Easter, and during the summer where we have a week-long vacation Bible school.

Children's ministry calendar
Check out what's going on in children's ministry!