Women of Westminster

Women's ministry exists to come alongside the elders and church body as helpers to share our church's vision to be a people who delight in, display, and declare God's glory through His amazing grace in Christ Jesus.
Women's ministry is for ALL Women of Westminster from middle school age and upward. We exist to teach a biblical perspective of becoming a godly woman in Christ, to nurture godly relationships with one another, and to be lovers and doers of God's Word.
All women are invited and encouraged to participate in Women of Westminster in order to unite our body of women to each other through our common bond of Jesus Christ.
For more information contact Marnie Stroud at mjsrn2007@gmail.com or Amy Haas at Amyburlesonhaas@msn.com

What's going on

We offer various opportunities which teach biblical truth concerning womanhood. Check out the church calendar for upcoming events!

Monday study: Saved by nancy guthrie

Monday Bible study meets every other week at 6:30 PM at the church. They are currently going through the book of Acts, using Nancy Guthrie's book Saved for study materials. Childcare is provided. For any questions or needs, contact Marnie Stroud or Amy Haas at the emails provided above. 

Sunday school

Currently, the women's Sunday school class is not meeting, but is participating in the church wide Sunday school study of The Peacemaker by Ken Sande.

other opportunities

Other opportunities occur throughout the year for Women of Westminster to come together like seasonal brunches, special speakers, conferences and retreats for women.